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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Animal-Lovers is Officially Dead.

Animal-Lovers discussion board:

The club that was once number one has officially ended it's time on stardoll. I left stardoll while A-L was still full of fun, and I came back to what felt like a ghost town. If you're in the position I was in, looking for friends and wondering what happened, you'll find the answers in the new FashionClub. Many A-Lers, including myself have joined the new FC and it's a much more reliable source of fun than what A-L has become. If you go to A-L you'll find empty topics and old A-Lers mourning the club that they once loved. What happened was that an FCer made the new A-L after one was deleted, and she was bad, and so everyone ditched.

Kathh (birdy44)

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