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Friday, March 11, 2011

Topic of the day in FC? Racism.

Look at all the topics that say races in the titles, or say something about racism. Topic of the day, for sure.

Everyone has strong opinions on racism and racist jokes. This is one of the many topics in FC spark topics that cause clashing of views. This discussion didn't last long, since most of us agree that racism is wrong, but it was still top on the discussion board. Everyone likes a good joke, but when it crosses the line, it stops being funny and takes a turn for the worst. In the end, the only ones who approved of the overly racist jokes were unseen and on fake accounts.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


At my suite (birdy44)
Prices are a bit high, but I'm willing to lower them to a reasonable amount. I'm obviously not going to sell my Faith Hill dress or MKA RC olsen scarf for 15sd.
Bid in my guestbook, sale of the century!
Sorry to advertise on here, I know it's unprofesh.


New LE decor! Couches, lamps and chairs galore!
There's still some items left, but there won't be for long so go grab yourself a high-fashion couch! The store consists of 4 rooms displaying the merchandise. I don't want to give too much away, but below is room #1 of the the four:

Click to enlarge*
Personally, I won't be buying much of the decor, if any because I'd much rather pay 200sd on a LE dress to show off rather than a lamp.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Layout

I posted earlier about the new banner (go check it out and vote which banner is your favorite). Since then I've changed that whole layout of the blog, and I want to know what you think, and if you've even noticed. I changed the positions of the widgets, deleted the background music, and the banner thing that said "WELCOME TO MY BLOG," changed the background color and fonts, and increased the banner size. I hope you like it! :)

New Stardoll VS. Old Stardoll

Old Stardoll:

New Stardoll:

Throughout 2010 and 2011 Stardoll has made random changes that members have been having a rough time adjusting to. Ever since Stardoll began, we saw the website a certain way and got used to where everything was. The website layout wasn't the only thing they mixed up earlier this year, they left millions of member's heads spinning. Months later, we've become used to the new website and complaints have died down, but we still, every now and then, have our "I HATE THIS" moments. :)

Which layout do you prefer? Comment your answer, and if you have any questions related to the photos.

Animal-Lovers is Officially Dead.

Animal-Lovers discussion board:

The club that was once number one has officially ended it's time on stardoll. I left stardoll while A-L was still full of fun, and I came back to what felt like a ghost town. If you're in the position I was in, looking for friends and wondering what happened, you'll find the answers in the new FashionClub. Many A-Lers, including myself have joined the new FC and it's a much more reliable source of fun than what A-L has become. If you go to A-L you'll find empty topics and old A-Lers mourning the club that they once loved. What happened was that an FCer made the new A-L after one was deleted, and she was bad, and so everyone ditched.

Kathh (birdy44)

New Banner... Thoughts?

Old banner:

New banner:

Which one do you prefer? Comment.

We're back & BOLDER than ever.

I've decided to start posting again.
Follow, and tell your friends; WE'RE BACK!